What's new in PostgreSQL 17?

What's new in PostgreSQL 17?

PostgreSQL 17 features many feature improvements, optimizations, additions to the developer experience with JSON TABLE, and enhancement to logical replications to simplify management of workloads and version upgrades. 1. Performance gains PostgreSQL 17 improves performances for NOT NULL constraints, WITH queries, and queries with IN clauses. 2x performance improvements when exporting large rows using COPY MERGE feature updates. PostgreSQL 17...

What's new in MySQL 9?

What's new in MySQL 9?

Changes to MySQL 9 include support for JavaScript, a new type, inline and implicit foreign key constraints, saving JSON output from EXPLAIN ANALYZE INTO, and many more enhancements. 1. Notable new features JavaScript stored program. MySQL Enterprise Edition now supports stored pprograms written in JavaScript. VECTOR type. MySQL 9.0 supports the VECTOR column type, which consists of a list of...

DBngin Windows Changelogs

DBngin Windows Changelogs

Build 1.2.1 - The first version. Release date: 25 Feb 2025. Download Added MariaDB Bug fixes and ỉmprovements. Build 1.0.0 - The first version. Release date: 9 Sep 2024. Download The first release: MySQL, PostgreSQL, and Redis.

DBngin MacOS Changelogs

DBngin MacOS Changelogs

Build 78 - Bug fixes SHA: 1eee860e475e01db16afc23b5b51655572dcb88aaa877c205bfa399f647fdcec Release date: 26 March 2025. Download Bug fixes and improvements. Build 74 - Added MariaDB SHA: 11a18f6a713f2329835fa36b3a030670ce9e05b7e93e09c82088074ce8bbb19b Release date: 10 Feb 2025. Download Added MariaDB Bug fixes and improvements. Build 73 - Added PostgreSQL 17 and MySQL 8.4.2 SHA: 2c62fa0e395a9d765e303a72e20f30790776ec54e1b2957462f09bf17d93e342 Release date: 7 October 2024. Download Updated create/edit service layout. Added PostgreSQL 17.0...